Right to protest

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On Saturday, 30 November 2013, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Haifa, Hura and Jerusalem to protest against the Prawer Plan. Police officers were deployed in huge numbers at the...
In an urgent letter sent on Thursday, 26 November 2013 to the Chief of the Israeli Police, Yohanan Danino, and Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in...
On 2 August 2013, the Haifa District Court ordered the release of 10 demonstrators who were arrested during anti-Prawer Plan protests held on 1 August at the entrance to the Arab village of...
On 28 July 2013, the Nazareth Magistrates’ Court extended the detention of two Arab demonstrators, Majd Dahamashe and Muhammad Taha, until Wednesday, 31 July. The court also decided to release on...
On Thursday, 18 July 2013, the Be’er Sheva District Court ordered the release of the four (4) remaining detained demonstrators who were arrested at the anti-Prawer protests held in the city on...
On Wednesday 17 July 2013, the Haifa District Court accepted an appeal in the cases of five demonstrators detained during anti-Prawer protests held in the Arab town of Sakhnin in northern Israel,...
Lawyers of seven of the protestors arrested during demonstrations against the Prawer-Begin Plan in the Arab town of Sakhneen on 15 July 2013 have appealed to the Haifa District Court against the...
Anti-Prawer Detainees: 9 of 13 detainees in Beer Sheva released, appeal filed to release the remaining 4
(Akka and Beer el-Sabe, Israel) The Akka (Akko) Magistrates’ Court approved the police request to extend the detention of nine (9) protestors, Palestinian citizens of Israel, who were arrested...
Adalah and the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality in the Negev (Dukium) organized a day of human rights training on Saturday, 16 February 2012 for a group of residents from the village of...
MK Mohammad Barakeh (Hadash/Jabha) testified on 23 December 2012 before the Magistrates’ Court in Tel Aviv, during the first day of hearings of defense witnesses in the criminal case pending...
Following violent dawn clashes between Israeli Police and Border Police in the Arab Bedouin village of Bir Hadaj in the Naqab (Negev) yesterday, 12 November 2012, the Magistrates’ Court of Bir...
Following Adalah’s complaint, the Head of Coordination and Application at the Ministry of Environmental Preservation announced the cancellation of fines for "disturbing the peace: against five...
(Beer el-Sabe, Israel) On 21 March 2011, the Magistrates' Court in Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva) accepted a motion filed by Adalah Attorney Arwa Hleihel and allowed Mr. Hamza Abu-Medeghem to go out to...
On 31 December 2008, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the Attorney General (AG) demanding that he order the General Security Services (GSS or the "Shabak") to cease the summoning of Arab leaders of...
Today, 25 September 2008, Adalah and the Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA) submitted a comprehensive file of complaints to the Ministry of Justice’s Police Investigations Department...
The protest by Arab citizens of Israel against the State Prosecutor's Office decision to indict ten young Arabs from Shafa’amr for attacking Natan Zada is appropriate. It is a protest against the...
Adalah and the Arab Association for Human Rights Collecting Eyewitness Testimonies to Document Police Violence and File Complaints Ten Arab Citizens of Israel Detained by Police and later Released...