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Trainings provided introduction to theoretical explanations and practical aspects of defending freedom of expression rights, as part of EU-funded project.
Training course consisted of five meetings over a period of five weeks, and aimed to prepare lawyers and provide them with necessary tools and legal strategies to handle cases of prisoners and...
Adalah will convene a Lawyers' Training Course on "Representing Detainees and Interrogation Procedures", to be held from 3 September to 2 October 2013 in Umm el-Fahem. The course will consist of...
In June 2013, Adalah held a two-session training course for 20 Arab lawyers in the Naqab (Negev) to legally challenge home demolitions and other issues related to land and planning. The training...
Adalah and the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality in the Negev (Dukium) organized a day of human rights training on Saturday, 16 February 2012 for a group of residents from the village of...
Adalah holds regular training for practicing lawyers interested in expanding their knowledge and skills to defend Palestinians from human rights violations.
Adalah will hold a professional training course for lawyers in Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva) on the subject of "Representing Detainees during Arrest and Investigation." The training is designed for...
Provide historical and practical tools to local attorneys on land settlement in the Naqab so that they are better prepared to address land settlement cases. The course will approach the issue from...
Adalah successfully concluded its training course for lawyers on “Representing Detainees in Detention and Investigation Procedures” held on 17-18 March and 7-8 April 2011 at Al-Tantour Center...
Adalah, in conjunction with the Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA), organized a 3-day training workshop for 24 Palestinian activists from Israel to discuss and analyze religious discourse and...