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On 19 May 2013, Adalah sent a letter to the Prime Minister, the Justice Minister, the Attorney General, and Military Advocate General demanding the implementation of the Turkel Commission...
Detailed plan for Harish designates 2,300 units for ultra-Orthodox Jews, contradicting Housing Minister’s statement that "Harish is open for all" On 20 May 2013, Adalah and the Arab Center for...
On the commemoration of the 65 Nakba Day, Adalah is releasing a short documentary film,"From Al-Araqib to Susiya." The film tells the story of two Palestinian villages along the Green Line:...
To mark the 65th Nakba Day, on 13 May 2013, Adalah and the Iqrit Community Association hosted a study tour for ambassadors, diplomats, and foreign journalists to the depopulated Palestinian village...
On 9 May 2013, Adalah sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Yair Lapid demanding that the current level of child allowances be maintained in 2013-2014. A cut in...
Adalah vehemently opposes the approval of the proposed Prawer-Begin Bill by the Ministerial Committee on Legislation on 6 May 2013. The bill threatens to displace tens of thousands of Palestinian...
Israeli media outlets reported that the Minister of Trade and Economy, Naftali Bennett, announced during a conference of the Israeli Union of Advanced Industries that the number of ultra-Orthodox...
New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. - Sawsan Zaher of Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, has been named a 2013 Yale World Fellow, announced Yale University President Richard C....
Ahead of a hearing in the Ministerial Committee on Legislation on the draft Arrangement of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev Law (known as the “Prawer-Begin Plan”), members of the Coalition of...
Most health care facilities in Israel do not comply with the Ministry of Health's February 2013 directive mandating linguistic accessibility. As a result, Arab women, immigrants from Ethiopia and...
Israel is currently holding 4,804 Palestinian political prisoners – classified by Israel as “security” prisoners – from the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel, as well as Arab...
Adalah’s General Director Attorney Hassan Jabareen is featured in photographer Mariana Cook's latest book, "Justice: Faces of the Human Rights Revolution." The book, which was launched on 4 April...
On 13 April 2013, the Israeli government once again called on the Knesset to extend the discriminatory "Ban on Family Unification - Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order)" for an...
The Airport Authority recently published an advertisement announcing vacant positions for baggage handlers at Ben Gurion Airport. The announcement requires military service as one of the primary...
Adalah, The Arab Center for Alternative Planning (ACAP), and the Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem filed an objection with the Jerusalem District Planning and Building...
On 3 April 2013, Adalah filed a motion for injunction to the Israeli Supreme Court to prevent the enforcement of an amendment to National Insurance Law enacted in 2010 which will cut up to 60% of...
In light of the recent sharp rise in racist attacks against Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, Adalah sent urgent letters this month demanding the opening of criminal investigations into two...
On 21 March 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a petition submitted by right-wing organization Regavim to close down three elementary schools in the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Wadi...