Press Releases

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Attorney Jabareen: 'The fact that the court dismissed three of the four charges shows a blatantly discriminatory policy in the submission of indictments against Arab political leaders.'
Military Prosecutor General withdraws decision to deny visiting rights of prisoner’s lawyer On 13 March 2014, the Israeli Military Prosecutor General informed Adalah that a decision by a...
Adalah’s General Director, Attorney Hassan Jabareen, together with Attorneys Orna Kohn and Aram Mahameed have been representing MK Barakeh
New Chairman of the Board is human rights attorney Hussein Abu Hussein, a founder of the Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA)
Adalah is launching a new website for its exhibition, Families Interrupted.
The bill is an infringement of the individual and collective rights of Arab citizens who, like Jewish citizens and any citizens of a democratic country, are entitled to the right to a meaningful...
Adalah, ACAP and the Public Committee call for cancelling the plan and formulating a new alternative plan that does not impede on the basic rights and needs of Arab citizens in the Triangle region.
On the eve of International Women’s Day, EMHRN’s new report highlights the unique situation of Palestinian women whose rights are violated in both Israel the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).
The political, colonial motives behind this law are similar to the approaches adopted by the apartheid regime in South Africa, and by the French in its colonial rule in Algeria
PHR-I and Adalah sent a letter to the Israeli Attorney General urging him to withdraw his support for a controversial bill permitting the “force-feeding” of prisoners.
Adalah: Dropout rate in the village among high school youth reaches more than 45%.
An expanded judicial panel of nine justices focused on the legal question of whether the law harms freedom of political expression
Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel filed a petition on behalf of leading human rights organizations in Israel
Adalah Attorneys Hassan Jabareen and Aram Mahameed represented MK Barakeh in court
Adalah: Company policy is arbitrary, discriminatory and unacceptable; the transfer of information from security sources to private companies is worrying and dangerous.
Nizar Bakri and Qassem Bakri had bought apartments in the Carmiel region of Haifa in 2010, but have been unable to register their properties with the Israeli Land Registrar because the lands on...
Adalah Attorneys: The military order constitutes a serious violation of the Palestinians' right to own property and the right to a fair legal process; violates the principles of Israeli...
Adalah: The indictments had no legal basis or evidence to back up police claims. The police are targeting leaders of the Bedouin citizens\\\' struggle in order to intimidate the people in the...
Adalah: The government's conduct proves once again that the Prawer Plan is one-sided and dangerous.