freedom to protest

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Since the end of May alone, at least 34 protesters have been arrested for taking part in peaceful Palestinian protests against Israel's brutal assault on Gaza.
Last week, Israeli police attempted to restrict Palestinians’ access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in several ways. According to complaints received by Adalah from worshippers, on the...
Adalah: The JNF, together with the Israel Lands Authority, plants forests in the Naqab to displace Bedouins, viewed as ‘trespassers’, from their lands. This is racial discrimination, par...
Adalah calls for the police practice of stopping Palestinian citizen worshippers' and demonstrators' buses to be declared unlawful. Police cannot legally justify sweeping restrictions on the...
Police pressured school principals to prevent students from protesting; students received Whatsapp messages falsely indicating protest was illegal, warning of clashes with officers.
On 26 February 2013, the Tel Aviv Magistrates’ Court acquitted three Palestinian citizens of Israel on charges stemming from their participation in a demonstration against the Israeli offensive...