National Priority Areas – NPAs

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Petitioners to continue the legal battle against the discriminatory policy that still excludes Arab localities in greater need of benefits than neighboring Jewish towns that receive them.
Adalah and the Arab Center for Alternative Planning, on behalf of all of the Arab municipalities in Wadi Ara, petitioned the Court against the discriminatory Israeli NPA policy which excludes Arab...
In a letter to the Communications Minister and the AG, Adalah demanded that the decision to prioritize certain localities is discriminatory; it exceeds the Ministry’s authority, as it includes...
Adalah and Arab Center for Alternative Planning filed Supreme Court petition against discriminatory funding practice in August 2020 on behalf of a slew of Palestinian communities in Israel's...
Despite earlier Supreme Court ruling, Israeli government excludes Arab towns in ‘northern triangle’ region from enormous financial benefits enjoyed by neighboring Jewish towns with higher...
Adalah demands adoption of measures that will lead to equality in land benefits policy; gov't set NPAs relating to construction and housing without including Arab towns.
On 4 August 2013, the Israeli Cabinet approved a list of new “National Priority Areas” (NPAs) that consists of 20 new Jewish towns, 9 of which are settlements in the Occupied West Bank....
On 2 February 2011, the Supreme Court of Israel dismissed a petition submitted by Adalah on 20 June 2010 that sought to prevent the Israeli government from continuing to use a prior governmental...
The duty to comply with judgments issued by the judiciary is based on the principle of the rule of law and is obligatory. The basic rationale behind the application of this principle of the rule of...