External Lectures

Adalah lawyers are regularly invited to give lectures and presentations both in Israel and abroad on topics such as citizenship, gender rights, restrictions on free speech, accountability and more.

External lectures 2010

Adalah Attorney Sawsan Zaher spoke at the 25th Anniversary Conference of the New Israel Fund Law Fellows in Washington, DC in 3/10 on the Citizenship Law case, which challenges the ban on family unification, which affects thousands of Palestinian families in Israel. Adalah Attorney Sawsan Zaher presented at an International Symposium on the “Enforcement of ESC Rights Judgments” organized in 5/10 by ESCR-Net in Bogota, Columbia, on the issue of the state’s noncompliance with the court’s decision in the “National Priority Areas” case. Attorney Zaher also attended a follow-up workshop hosted by ESCR-Net, the Social Rights Advocacy Centre (SRAC), the NCHR, and the NGO Coalition for an OP-ICESCR on “Strategic Litigation Support for the OP-ICESCR,” in New York in 10/10.

Adalah Attorney Fatmeh El-‘Ajou spoke at the 1st Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers hosted by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Geneva in 10/10. The conference focused on the role of judges and legal professionals in fostering accountable national security laws and policies. Attorney El-‘Ajou gave a presentation on the lack of effective legal remedies for Palestinians from the OPT in the Israeli legal system.

In 11/10, Adalah Attorney Abeer Baker gave a talk on restrictions on freedom of political expression and loyalty laws at a symposium organized by Gate48 and the University of Amsterdam entitled “Silencing Israel: Critical Voices under Siege,” in the Netherlands.

External lectures 2009

By invitation, Adalah’s staff gave over 30 lectures at university and law school symposia and seminars, Israel Bar Association meetings and conferences, and NGO events in Israel. Subjects included: political participation and restrictions on free speech, the disqualification cases, Gaza, the Arab minority in Israel, home demolitions, land reform, dilemmas in prisoners' rights litigation, family unification and citizenship, torture, and new discriminatory bills. For example, in 11/09 Adalah Attorney Orna Kohn was a guest speaker at a University College London event organized by the UCL Friends of Palestine. The event, Same Land, Different Rights: Palestinian Citizens in Israel, was attended by some 60 participants provided an overview of the status of Arab citizens of Israel.

External lectures 2008

By request, Adalah lawyers gave around 32 lectures at university and law school symposia and conferences, Israel Bar Association meetings and conferences, and NGO events. Presentations included: the internationalization of cause lawyering; family unification and citizenship; housing and land rights; the Democratic Constitution and constitution-making; commissions of inquiry; the Ring Road in Jerusalem; the Supreme Court and Gaza cases; and the Law of Return and the Right of Return. Adalah also participated in Land Day commemorations, protests against the siege on Gaza, and “Nakba at 60” events in Israel.

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