A list of Adalah's upcoming court and administrative hearings, scheduled to take place from 3-13 September 2012 follows. Adalah will be representing MK Haneen Zoabi, MK Mohammed Barakeh, the Abu Qian family on a home demolitions case, residents of Umm el-Hieran to try to prevent the demolition of their village and the establishment of the Jewish only town of "Hiran", and landowners in Lajoun.

Adalah has the following court and administrative hearings, which are scheduled to take place from 3-13 September 2012:

1.  Monday 3 September 2012, 11:30 am: Representing MK Haneen Zoabi - 
Supreme Court, Jerusalem

Response on behalf of MK Haneen Zoabi (National Democratic Assembly - Balad) to a petition filed by 
far-right MK Michael Ben Ari demanding that the Attorney General (AG) criminally indict MK Zoabi for her participation in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in May 2010.The AG announced in 12/11 that no indictments would be filed against Israeli citizens who participated in the Flotilla.
Citation: HCJ 9733/11, Ben Ari et al v. Attorney General et al.
Past Press Release


2.  Wednesday 5 September and Sunday 9 September 2012, 10:30 am: Representing MK Mohammed Barakeh – Tel Aviv Magistrate Court

Representing MK Mohammed Barakeh (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality-Hadash) on a criminal indictment charging him with four alleged offenses of assaulting or insulting police officers during his participation in anti-Wall and anti-War demonstrations between 2005 and 2007. In 10/11, the court accepted Adalah's arguments concerning parliamentary immunity, and dismissed two of four charges. Evidentiary hearings will take place in court.

Case Citation:
Tel Aviv Magistrate Court, Criminal Case 12318-12/09, State of Israel v. Mohammed Barakeh
Past Press Release



3.  Thursday 6 September 2012, 14:30: Representing the Abu al-Qian family on an appeal against home demolition orders in Umm el-Hieran - Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva) District Court

Appeal against the decision of the Kiryat Gat Magistrates’ Court delivered in 12/11 to uphold ex parte demolition orders against 33 homes in the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Umm el-Hieran in the Naqab.

Case Citation:
Beer el-Sabe District Court, 507611-01-12, Abu el-Qian, et al. v. The State of Israel
Past Press Release


4.  Tuesday 11 September 2012, 9:30 am: Appeal “Hiran” case - National Council for Planning and Building (NCPB), Jerusalem

Appeal against the decision of the Committee for Planning and Building – Southern District to reject an objection submitted by Adalah, Bimkom, and the Arab Bedouin residents of Umm al-Hieran against the building of a new Jewish town to be called “Hiran" (Plan 15/02/107) on the land of Atir-Umm al Hieran (the Nahal Yatir area). Past Press Release



5.  Thursday 13 September 2012, 10:30 am: Lajoun Case hearing - Nazareth District Court

This case involves 486 Arab landowners in Lajoun, who have been demanding the return of their lands confiscated by State in the 1950s. In 2007, the District Court (DCT) rejected the claimants’ main argument that the land must be returned to them, the original owners, because it had not been used for “essential settlement and development needs,” in accordance with the Finance Minister’s order issued in 1953. Adalah appealed to the Supreme Court, which confirmed the DCT’s decision in 1/10. The SCT ordered the DCT to examine questions of land ownership. Adalah is working with the community to try to draft an agreement with the state recognizing these claimants as the landowners prior to the confiscation.

Case Citation: Nazareth District Court Civil Lawsuit 568/03, Muhammed Mahajneh v. The State of Israel

Past Press Release