Open Letter from Adalah to our colleagues at Al Mezan in Gaza condemning the violent attacks against Mahmoud Abu Rahma

We were shocked to hear today about the recent violent attacks over the past two weeks against our colleague Mahmoud Abu Rahma, the international relations director of Al Mezan and an internationally known human rights defender.

We were shocked to hear today about the recent violent attacks over the past two weeks against our colleague Mahmoud Abu Rahma, the international relations director of Al Mezan and an internationally known human rights defender.

We condemn these cowardly attacks. We further condemn the campaign to prevent Mahmoud from voicing his opinion and ideas, and from continuing his work in support of the human rights of Palestinians. We view these attacks as a deplorable attempt to silence Mahmoud and his legitimate struggle to secure a human rights culture in the Gaza Strip.

Adalah's staff and Board of Directors express our deep solidarity with Mahmoud and Al Mezan. We stand against the threats and intimidation that Mahmoud has been subjected to in recent weeks. We also call on the security services in Gaza to find the offenders and hold them accountable, and we wish Mahmoud a full and speedy recovery.

Mahmoud's article in Ma'an, "The gap between resistance and governance"

Press release of Al Mezan: