Adalah Staff Attorney Publishes Article Critiquing Policies of the Israeli Government Towards the Palestinian Minority
The Stanford Journal of International Law recently released the Winter 2002 issue, containing "Free Speakers and their Repression: American Lessons to Israel" by Adalah Staff Attorney Marwan Dalal. The article critiques past and present policies of the Israeli government and decisions of the Supreme Court towards the Palestinian minority in Israel, specifically those that limit the political speech of the Palestinian community and their elected representatives. The article reflects upon similar policies of the American government and decisions of the US Supreme Court during the 1950s, among other examples of American policies, to speculate on the possible future ramifications the Israeli policies may have on the status of the Palestinian minority in Israel.
The full citation for the article is as follows: Marwan Dalal, "Free Speakers and their Repression: American Lessons to Israel", STAN. J. INT'L. L. 43 (2002).