Israeli Knesset Approves a Law to Revoke Citizenship and Permanent Residency and Deport Palestinians Who Received Money from the Palestinian Authority in Relation to “Terrorist Acts”

Adalah: The law explicitly and exclusively targets Palestinians as part of Israel's entrenchment of two separate legal systems based on Jewish supremacy.

Today, 15 February 2023, the Knesset passed a bill to revoke the citizenship or permanent residency of Palestinians who committed a “terrorist act” and received money from the Palestinian Authority in relation to a “breach of loyalty” and deport them to the Palestinian Authority. The bill passed by a 94-10 majority vote.

CLICK HERE to read Adalah’s Q&A on the law

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CLICK HERE to read the law [Hebrew]


Adalah issued two letters objecting to the advancement of the law. Read more here


The bill introduces two similar amendments to the Entry Into Israel Law 5712-1952 and the Citizenship Law 5712-1952. These authorize the revocation of permanent residency or citizenship of an individual who was convicted of an offense that constitutes an “act of terrorism” as defined by the Counter-Terrorism Law (2016) or other offenses as defined in articles 97-99 of Israel’s Penal Law, has been sentenced to prison, and, according to the interior Minister, received monetary benefits from the Palestinian Authority in relation to “a breach of loyalty to the State of Israel”. The Law further amends the existing track of revocation of citizenship based on “breach of loyalty”, by relieving the Interior Minister of responsibility for granting a residence permit to someone who has been rendered stateless due to the revocation of their Israeli citizenship, and has “permanent status in the territories of the Palestinian Authority”.


Adalah commented, “This law not only creates an additional avenue for the revocation of the citizenship or residency of Palestinians, which further undermines the precarious status of Palestinians under the Israeli regime, but also facilitates their expulsion, all in violation of international law. The Israeli Supreme Court has previously dismissed claims of discrimination when it approved the existing track of citizenship revocation, which itself stood in breach of international law. The Knesset has now passed yet another measure that explicitly and exclusively targets Palestinians, in pursuit of its commitment to establish two separate legal systems based on Jewish supremacy.”


Related Press Releases:

Israeli Knesset Advances Bill to Revoke Citizenship and Permanent Residency and Deport 30 January 2023

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