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(Haifa, Israel) On 1 September 2010, Adalah sent a letter to the head of Human Resources of the Israeli Police, Amihai Shai, regarding Shahar Mizrahi, the Israeli police officer convicted of...
Media reports and testimonies from passengers reveal only the partial return of personal belongings to owners. Bags were returned unmarked and items were missing. No electronic devices have been...
(Haifa, Israel) Following a Supreme Court petition submitted by Adalah in December 2009, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on 11 August 2010 that two of the three mother and-child clinics...
UN Human Rights Committee urges Israel to ensure detainees immediate access to counsel, repeal Unlawful Combatants Law, reinstate family visits to Gaza prisoners, lift blockade on Gaza, launch...
(Haifa, Israel) On 29 July 2010, the UN Human Rights Committee, which monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), issued its Concluding...
(Amman, Jordan) On 29 July 2010, Adalah's General Director Attorney Hassan Jabareen and Adalah Attorney Fatmeh El-‘Ajou appeared before the Independent Experts Committee appointed by the UN High...
(Beer el-Sabe, Israel) Residents of the Arab Bedouin unrecognized village al-Araqib in the Naqab (Negev) in the south of Israel were woken up at dawn on 27 July 2010 to find themselves surrounded...
Volume 74, August/September 2010 Economic and Social Rights Following petitions by Adalah and ACRI: Supreme Court rules that Income Tax Law, which provides benefits solely to Jewish communities...
New submission to UN Committee Against Torture by Adalah, PHR-I and Al Mezan
Makhoul's defense team submitted a motion to the court on 11 July 2010, requesting that they be allowed to meet with their client confidentially, as required by law. His attorneys also demanded...
Adalah: "Granting a pardon to Officer Mizrahi and not compelling him to serve his prison sentence is a green light for all police officers to use force illegally without fear of being held...
(Haifa, Israel) Following a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union's (IPU) Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians held on 12-15 July 2010 in Geneva, the Committee issued a number of...
Adalah and the Legal Clinic for Prisoners' Rights and Rehabilitation at Haifa University published position paper on 21 July 2010 which details numerous obstacles for prisoners regarding their...
In May 2010, Adalah submitted an amended petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding the cancellation of regional “admissions committees”, which select their residents from among...
Adalah: "Granting a pardon to Officer Mizrahi and not compelling him to serve his prison sentence is a green light for all police officers to use force illegally without fear of being held...
Close to seven billion eggs are produced in Israel each year. Egg production is a primary source of income for about 3,000 families living in the north of Israel, yet there are no Arab farmers or...
Close to seven billion eggs are produced in Israel each year. Egg production is a primary source of income for about 3,000 families living in the north of Israel, yet there are no Arab farmers or...
Atlanta, GA….The Carter Center expresses deep concern about the revocation of Jerusalem residency rights for three members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC): Muhammad Abu-Teir, Ahmad...
On 6 July 2010, Adalah submitted a special appeal to the appeals committee of the Israeli Government Press Agency following its refusal to issue a press card to Mr. Mahmud Ilian (pen name “Mahmud...
West Bank manufactured goods have been permitted into East Jerusalem for the past 16 years following the signing of the “Paris Agreements” which outline the trade relationship between...