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A new position paper by three human rights organizations, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-IL), Al-Mezan and Adalah, reviews Israel's exit policy at the Erez Crossing regarding Gaza patients...
On 13 May 2010, Adalah submitted its final arguments to the Haifa District Court (for Administrative Affairs) on a petition filed on behalf of 24 Arab residents of Daliyat al-Carmel to cancel the...
On Sunday, 20 June 2010, Adalah filed a motion for contempt of court to the Israeli Supreme Court against the Prime Minister due to the government's failure to implement the court's decision in the...
Attorney Hassan Jabareen, the General Director of Adalah: “The decision is dangerous for all Palestinians in Jerusalem since Israel can easily revoke their residency and deport them based on...
The GSS Must Cease Coercion of Palestinians Medical Students to Provide Information as a Condition for Granting them Permits to Practice in East Jerusalem Hospitals
On 13 June 2010, the Haifa District Court held a status hearing on the case of Ameer Makhoul, the general director of Ittijah, a network of Arab NGOs in Israel, and a human rights defender. Mr....
Defense Team Examines Possible Appeal (Haifa, Israel) This morning, Thursday, 3 June 2010, the Ashkelon Magistrates' Court decided to release a group of Arab political leaders — Mr. Muhammed...
Legal defense team: “The court’s decision to detain the Arab political leaders who took part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla is discriminatory and constitutes selective prosecution. They...
Tonight, 2 June, at close to 17:00, Adalah received a supplemental response from the Attorney General's office to the petition for habeas corpus and demand for information concerning the passengers...
(Haifa, Israel) Tonight, 1 June 2010, the Attorney General's Office submitted its response to the extraordinary petition for habeas corpus and demand for information concerning the passengers on...
(Haifa, Israel) Tonight, 31 May 2010, Adalah, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I) submitted an extraordinary petition for habeas...
Adalah: The Israeli military attack violates international law as it targeted civilians and civilian targets, and involved the use of disproportionate force. According to media reports from...
Adalah: “Trumped-up accusations made in indictments have become alarmingly common practice in security cases in Israel. They aim to justify the complete isolation and use of illegal methods of...
On 25 May 2010, Adalah briefed a joint delegation of 15 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) at a meeting held in East Jerusalem. Adalah's representative to the meeting, Adalah Attorney Sawsan...
(Haifa, Israel) Today, 24 May 2010, the Petakh Tikva Magistrates’ Court will hear an urgent motion submitted yesterday, 23 May, by Adalah, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel...
Today 18 May 2010, Mr. Ameer Makhoul, the director of the Arab NGO network "Ittijah" and a human rights defender, met with his legal defense team after the order prohibiting his meeting with a...
On Monday, 17 May 2010, the Petakh Tikvah Magistrates’ Court decided to extend the detention of Mr. Ameer Makhoul until Thursday, 20 May 2010 at a closed hearing held at 9 pm. Following...
Adalah: “Due to the utter lack of respect for due process, the representation of Ameer Makhoul in the detention hearings has become meaningless.” (Haifa, Israel) Today, 16 May 2010, the...
(Haifa, Israel) Today, Sunday 16 May 2010, the Petah Tikvah Magistrate Court held a hearings on requests by the General Security Services (GSS or Shabak) to extend the detention of Arab political...
We, the undersigned, express our opposition to Israel's policy of unlawful transfer and deportation from the West Bank, which has escalated in the form of the Order regarding Prevention of...