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In a new position paper, Adalah lays out how the guiding principles and coalition agreements of the new Israeli government intend to deepen Jewish supremacy and racial segregation as the underlying...
The law introduced to allow the appointment of ‘Religious Zionist’ Party Chairman Bezalel Smotrich as a minister in the Defense Ministry will enable the realization of the stated policy and...
The law, commonly referred to as ‘the Ben-Gvir Law’, will make the police and police commissioner completely subordinate to the National Security Minister’s authority and will substantially...
Adalah: There are no amendments that can be made which will repair this racist law, which creates Apartheid for citizenship and other fundamental rights
Adalah: The Citizenship Law anchors Jewish supremacy in the field of citizenship and creates a system of apartheid.
The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee is to hold a hearing on an objection filed by Adalah, in cooperation with the Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians’ Rights in...
Ahmad has been held in solitary confinement for over a year. Adalah: The Israeli judiciary systematically uses secret evidence to justify decisions that violate the human rights of Palestinians in...
On 13 November 2022, the Be’er Sheva District Court held a hearing concerning the request of the Israel Prison Service (IPS) and the State Attorney’s Office to extend the solitary...
Adalah and the Arab Center for Alternative Planning, on behalf of all of the Arab municipalities in Wadi Ara, petitioned the Court against the discriminatory Israeli NPA policy which excludes Arab...
Ahmad Manasra, a Palestinian youth who suffers from serious mental health problems, has been held in solitary confinement for almost a year. According to a medical professional, Manasra’s...
Israel and US advance plan for US Embassy in Israel on land illegally confiscated by Israel from Palestinians – several of whom are now US citizens. Groups say that under plan, US bears...
Joint Statement of Support by Palestinian NGOs in Israel
Today (20 October, 2022) The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (COI-OPTI), issued its first report to...
Israeli troops have sealed off 130,000 Palestinians in five residential areas, imposing sweeping collective punishment including power cuts, spraying of foul-smelling ‘skunk’ water, and firing...
Israeli Supreme Court accepts Adalah's appeal against Israel's Central Elections Committee ban on National Democratic Assembly (Balad/Tajammu’) from running in 1 November election; justices vote...