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Speakers urged US lawmakers to raise serious concerns about lack of accountability for human rights violations & war crimes by Israeli military in Gaza.
Adalah and Al Mezan: "With this new law, Israel sanctions torture and ill-treatment." Force-feeding resulted in the death of 3 prisoners on hunger strike in past decades.
Even if canceled in the future, it would be no remedy for those prisoners languishing in prison for years and decades because of false confessions extracted from them by force.
Adalah: "Bentzi Sau, who served as the commander of the Wadi Ara region during the October 2000 events, is a criminal whose only place is in prison, behind bars. The promotion of Sau is an...
How does Israel commemorate the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (26 June)? With this new bill, it gives a green light for torture
The human rights organizations demand the end of the use of administrative detention, to withdraw the proposed Forced-Feeding Bill and the audio/video exemption bill, and to respect for the basic...
Adalah regards Sheikh Khatib’s violently homophobic statements as extremely dangerous and in violation, firstly, of the right of an entire group to dignity. His speech harms the rights of gay...
Minister's illegal decision affects rights of entire Palestinian society in Israel, who have a different and unique narrative, history and culture from the Jewish majority.
Al Mezan & Adalah: "Israeli investigation system is fundamentally flawed. The army cannot investigate itself."
Participants visited Susiya in the South Hebron Hills, and then Atir, Umm al-Hiran and Khashem Zaneh in the Naqab.
State funding covers 90% of budgets of Jewish religious schools, but up to maximum of just 75% of budgets of Arab church schools in Israel
Bennett's decision was made in the context of his attempt to silence views deemed "inappropriate" by the majority.
Adalah: "The 5 May 2015 Supreme Court decision sets a dangerous historical precedent."
In 2014, 75% of 3-4 year old Bedouin children in Israel did not have any educational framework; this figure did not exceed 5% for Israeli Jewish children at that age.
State Attorney's Office responds to Adalah: It is difficult to understand Lieberman's statement - "as to those who are against us…we must raise the ax and cut off his head" - as a call to violence!
Adalah and partners organized and hosted two tours to the Bedouin villages of Atir and Umm al-Hiran for journalists, bloggers, photographers, and other media professionals.
demoler a Um al-Hiran y expulsar a sus habitantes para establecer sobre sus ruinas "Hiran", una ciudad nueva reservada solamente a los judíos.
Adalah: "The decision shows that the entire case against former MK Barakeh was a political case from the outset."
Adalah: The ruling completely ignores the political, social and historical roots of the community, and legitimizes the racist demolition and displacement of an entire Arab village to build a Jewish...
Adalah: "The closing of the investigation without an indictment or trial demonstrates the impunity enjoyed by the Israeli police despite their careless approach with the lives of Arab citizens."