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Regulations place heavy financial burden on Palestinians seeking to file lawsuits against Israeli employers for labor law violations.
Bill violates international laws that forbid an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into occupied territories.
Law intended to expel Arab Knesset members who 'dare' to stray beyond boundaries dictated to them by Israeli Jewish majority.
NGO Law does not apply to donations from private individuals, therefore exempting right-wing organizations from filing funding reports.
New regulations permit officers to use deadly force as a first option against Palestinians throwing stones or shooting fireworks.
In violation of int'l treaties, Israel has cut water supply up to 70%, leaving homes with no running water and causing factory shutdowns, severe damage to agriculture, deaths of livestock.
Adalah, Al Mezan, and PHR-I call on the international community to take action to end Israel's torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian children from the OPT.
Adalah: Funds to alleviate severe housing shortage in Arab communities, resulting from systemic state discrimination, is not a matter of charity but of right