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Preventing an autopsy reinforces strong suspicions that the police tampered with the evidence and impeded the process of investigation.
As Israeli organizations, we express our solidarity with our Palestinian counterparts. We call upon the relevant authorities to identify the sources of these threats and bring them to justice.
Adalah to AG: Israel is using family members as a means of exerting pressure to achieve political goals, violating the very essence of human dignity.
Revoking citizenship sends humiliating and degrading message to Palestinian citizens that their citizenship is conditional and cannot be taken for granted.
Addameer and Adalah view the continued withholding of the bodies of nine deceased Palestinians, the longest of which has been held by Israel for over four months, as a severe violation of...
Trainings provided introduction to theoretical explanations and practical aspects of defending freedom of expression rights, as part of EU-funded project.
Adalah & Al-Marsad: International law states the oil is property that cannot be exploited, and doing so would be a war crime under the Rome Statute.
Adalah: Law demonstrates the political repression that comes with the tyranny of the majority against the minority.
"The right to citizenship is the most important of all rights, as it encompasses many other constitutional rights."
Video documenting events shows when the police shot Abu Shaaban to death, he wasn't a danger to anyone.
Adalah: Without parallel award, it marginalizes and insults human dignity of Arab artists and Arab community.
Changes that followed petitions filed by human rights organizations twelve years ago in 2004 “provide a partial solution, but do not solve the fundamental problem”
Adalah: Demanding "loyalty" to Israel is a political consideration, which has numerous implications on freedom of expression.
Adalah: Israel's land policy is characterized by the allocation of land rights in a selective and discriminatory manner on the basis of nationality in favor of the Israeli Jewish population.
Adalah: Court's decision legitimizes Israel's longstanding colonial policy of racial discrimination, segregation, and dispossession.
"Every movement of students from their entry to their departure from school exposes them to the risk of getting hurt."
Adalah & ACRI: The JNF's loyalty is not and cannot be for the benefit of the Israeli public; its principles prevent the transfer of land rights to non-Jewish people.
Adalah: This bill resembles the laws of history's criminal regimes, and seeks not only to humiliate human rights groups but also to incite against them.
The incident raises serious suspicion of the use of improper practices amounting to torture and cruel treatment, which are prohibited under Israeli law and international law.
Adalah: The police's contention that publishing the instructions could harm state security and threaten public order is baseless.