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Police pressured school principals to prevent students from protesting; students received Whatsapp messages falsely indicating protest was illegal, warning of clashes with officers.
Adalah demands Attorney General open investigation, says Minister Erdan's accusations against the Arab public and Knesset members constitute serious danger to Arab citizens.
Lack of heat negatively impacts upon the daily functioning of the prisoners, on their health and physical condition, and causes severe insomnia.
Media coverage of Adalah's work and cases.
State given 30 days to respond; new law is unconstitutional, violates int'l humanitarian law; aerial images detail Israeli settlement construction on Palestinian municipalities’ lands.
Adalah to file Supreme Court petition against 'sweeping and dangerous' Validation Law that violates international law and Palestinian property rights in West Bank.
Adalah: State must provide school bus stops for Bedouin children in Naqab (Negev); area Jewish kids don't face such safety hazards, indicating blatant inequality in enforcement of law.
Adalah and ACRI petition Supreme Court against new law that allows government to grant World Zionist Organization's Settlement Division authority to manage public lands.
Adalah, Hamoked, Addameer, DCI-Palestine secure order nisi for petition against law that essentially creates one penal code for Palestinian Arab children and another for Israeli Jewish children.
Funeral held Tues. for 50-year-old Umm al-Hiran teacher killed by police; Adalah: Supreme Court ruling makes clear there is no legal basis for Israeli police to hold a body as a bargaining chip.
Arab Joint List leader Ayman Odeh hit by sponge-tipped bullets, struck and cursed by police officers after shooting incident in which local Bedouin resident Ya'akub Abu Al-Qi'an was killed.
Israeli police still refuse to return body of Umm al-Hiran resident Abu Al-Qi'an to family for burial; Supreme Court hearing on issue to be held today (23 January 2017) at 3 PM.
Adalah calls for just solution to land and housing crisis in Arab communities, urges PM Netanyahu to halt demolitions of Arab homes.
Adalah seeks criminal investigation into shooting that lead to death of 50-year-old math teacher Ya'akub Musa Abu Al-Qi'an; police in Umm al-Hiran violated open-fire regulations, blocked medical care.
Adalah: Israeli courts, gov't responsible for death of 50 year old; residents refute police claims of attack; eyewitnesses confirm Ya'akub Musa Abu Al-Qi'an lost control of car after police fired...
Adalah to Israeli AG: Announcement of intent to indict Knesset Member Dr. Basel Ghattas before holding hearing is illegal and a discriminatory violation of his right to due process.
Israeli military refuses to provide explanation for attack; Adalah, Al Mezan appeals military advocate's decision not to launch criminal investigation.
Israeli military and civilian justice systems routinely turn blind eye to killings of Palestinians by soldiers and police officers.
Moves to revoke citizenship currently proceeding solely against Arab Palestinian citizens of Israel suggest selective and discriminatory enforcement of the law.
According to law enacted, a majority of 90 Knesset members may oust a serving Knesset member on two grounds: 1) incitement to racism; and 2) support for armed struggle against Israel.