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Marks first declaration of civil emergency announced within Israel since military regime imposed on all Arab towns, villages, and neighborhoods in Israel from 1948-1966.
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel responded to a statement made tonight, 15 May, 2021, by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
Adalah obtains internal communications between Israeli Jewish extremists revealing organized, coordinated efforts to bring masses of armed individuals to cities with significant Palestinian...
Over 160 lawyers took part in the session held via Zoom.
Israel’s internal security agency has not denied that it sent text messages reading “We will punish you”; Adalah: This is illegal and violates previous Israeli court rulings.
Israeli police employing excessive force and extreme violence, wounding hundreds of Palestinian worshipers and emergency medical staff; Israeli police also blocking Palestinian worshipers from...
The following letter was prepared and sent by Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara. It was translated from the original Hebrew to English by Adalah.
Israeli authorities are ignoring Arab leadership's position that international law prohibits Jewish Nation-State Law; new Human Rights Watch report indicates Israel in violation of Rome Statute.
Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announces that Gaza 'fishing zone' reduced from 15 to nine nautical miles 'until further notice.' Gisha, Adalah, and Al Mezan send...
Adalah and Arab Center for Alternative Planning filed Supreme Court petition against discriminatory funding practice in August 2020 on behalf of a slew of Palestinian communities in Israel's...
Birzeit University, Adalah, Al-Haq now fighting to end escalating discriminatory Israeli policy aimed at preventing international academics from staying in the West Bank and refusing to renew visas...
The conduct of all the authorities in Israel, especially the executive and the judiciary, during the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate fully the ease of violating the rights of prisoners and the lack of...
Court authorizes Cyber Unit to continue operating in the shadows, conducting quasi-judicial censorship without allowing social media users to defend their rights or even to know that the state has...
However, following petition of human rights organizations, the Israel Prison Service will grant them a one-time holiday phone call.
Adalah: No democracy in the world would approve the establishment of a police unit directed at a specific ethnic group; there is no legal basis that allows Israeli internal security minister to set...
Israel's economic sidelining of Arab aid groups – which receive just 0.1% of key food aid grant – deepens socio-economic gaps and impoverishment of Palestinian Arab society in Israel.
NGOs: 'Law establishes undemocratic norms'; court rules that ban on participation in protests further than 1,000 meters from one's residence violates freedom of expression, does not pass...
Adalah lodges formal complaint with Justice Ministry's PID, demand investigation into the incidents in which police employed excessive force and wounded dozens of Palestinian citizens.
COVID-19 morbidity and mortality rates in West Bank and Gaza are increasing dramatically but vaccine supply to Palestinians so far covers less than 1.5% of population. NGOs: 'Israel has a legal,...