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MK Jabareen: "Our presence in the Knesset is not a favor from the Netanyahu government. We are in the Knesset in order to struggle to protect our rights."
IPS illegally filmed, distributed video claimed to be of Palestinian prisoner & hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti in his cell and bathroom; Adalah demands criminal probe of incident.
Demonstration by police at community relations event for 5th grade Israeli pupils contradicts the law, which only allows such force in situations of threats to life.
The undersigned human rights organizations hereby call on the international community to urge Israel to cease its ongoing, systematic human rights violations against the hunger-strikers.
Adalah demands Israel permit residents of Al Fura' to register to vote prior to upcoming regional elections; village was recognized by the state in 2006.
IPS’s rejection of requests to visit Barghouti interferes with Knesset Member’s role as elected public official to examine and scrutinize IPS policies regarding hunger strikers.
Following Supreme Court petition filed by Adalah and Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, IPS compelled to end illegal punitive practice.
Israel Prison Service is in contempt of court for preventing meetings between lawyers and striking prisoners; Supreme Court ruled in 2004 this punitive practice is illegal.
Supreme Court, state have previously determined punitive tactic is illegal; Adalah demands Attorney General take immediate action.
Adalah petitions District Court against city's decision to use new building as a new sciences school, in violation of prior commitments.
Ban imposes upon Arab citizens the Jewish religious law forbidding consumption of leavened bread products during Passover holiday.
After years of racist housing policies, new Israeli law paves the way for wave of home demolitions in Palestinian Arab communities in Israel.
Adalah, Negev Coexistence Forum held briefing held for diplomats in Israel highlighting rights violations faced by Bedouin citizens in the Naqab (Negev).
With great grief and sorrow, Adalah management and staff mourn the passing of Mrs. 'Afaf Jabareen, mother of our esteemed colleague Adalah founder and General Director Hassan Jabareen.
The law would expand the use of Israel's administrative powers to implement demolition and eviction orders and would increase the severity of financial penalties on homeowners.
Israel continues to sell property belonging to Palestinian refugees, place Palestinian land on the market for mass housing construction in West Bank settlements.
Adalah, Al Mezan, and Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights call on Human Rights Council to ensure Israelis responsible for killings, damages during 2014 Gaza war be held accountable.
Law allows revocation of citizenship based on unproven and speculative 'concern' that state security might be threatened.