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UN commission: Israeli use of live ammunition is illegal; rules of engagement approved by Israeli Supreme Court violate international norms; Israeli gov't hasn't meaningfully investigated and...
Petition filed against mine that poses health danger to Al-Fura'a residents and will lead to immediate transfer of thousands; mine is part of Israeli plan to force 36,000 Bedouins from their homes.
Supreme Court petition on behalf of two Palestinian minors against new law that excludes individuals classified as 'security prisoners' from early release due to prison overcrowding.
Adalah demands Israel provide voting stations in unrecognized Naqab Bedouin villages; thousands of people with no access to public transportation forced to travel up to 50 kilometers to vote.
Adalah and Al Mezan appeal to Israeli Supreme Court against lower court ruling finding that Gazans may be denied compensation for damages because Gaza is defined by law as an 'enemy territory'.
Israel’s Bedouin Settlement Authority details plan to forcibly transfer 36,000 people to expand military training areas and make way for ‘economic development’ projects.
Adalah heads to Supreme Court on behalf of Salwa Salem Copty, whose father was killed and buried in Galilee village in 1948; Israeli army base surrounds Christian cemetery, blocking families' access.
Mifal Hapayis lottery director cancelled performance of 'Palestine Year Zero' after it was approved by lottery's project funding theatrical productions in Arab communities.
Israeli military spraying chemical agents include glyphosate, or “Roundup”, declared a carcinogen by the World Health Organization and banned in many countries around the world.
Two proposed laws would amount to Israeli annexation of West Bank, one would legalize 66 settlement outposts; ICC just announced 'significant progress' into probe of Israeli settlement activity.
One-third of all students in Israel take the higher education eligibility exam in Arabic; Adalah: Ministry must live up to its name and narrow gaps rather than widen them.
Adalah: Supreme Court dismisses appeal by Arab Knesset members promoting democratic values on the basis of equality for all.
Adalah demands municipality immediately rescind racist oath; Adalah fears northern city ban on non-residents in public park is aimed at Arab citizens from surrounding communities.
State Attorney's unit operates outside the law to censor Facebook & YouTube posts; 2017 saw 500% increase in posts censored as a result of Cyber Unit's action.
Adalah submits report on the lack of Israeli domestic accountability mechanisms to UN Independent Commission of Inquiry examining 2018 protests in Gaza Strip.
Adalah to strike on 4 December 2018, to protest all forms of violence against women in the country and in the OPT – at the hands of society, state, and occupation institutions alike.
Arab residents of central city plan Friday protest after Lod police commander ordered demolition of Arab-owned home despite court-ordered delay.
Adalah: Constitutional flaw nevertheless remains in place; cutting social benefits as punitive tool against parents of a minor convicted of throwing stones is fundamentally unjust.