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Yesterday, 5 May 2003, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of the National Committee of Arab Mayors and in its own name against the Minister of Interior, Avraham...
27 April 2003, Adalah submitted new three testimonies to the Supreme Court of Israel of Palestinian civilians being used as human shields and as hostages by the Israeli army in the 1967 Occupied...
Today, 24 April 2003, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding that the state provide free preschool education for Arab Bedouin children, citizens of Israel, aged three...
On 16 April 2003, Adalah sent a letter to the head of the Israel Prisons Authority (IPA), Ms. Orit Adato, seeking the cancellation of the IPA's recent decision to stop providing personal hygiene...
Yesterday, the Supreme Court dismissed a petition filed by Adalah in December 2001 demanding equal representation for Arabs citizens of Israel - women and men - on the boards of directors of...
Yesterday, 2 April 2003, Adalah sent a second letter to the Attorney General requesting a criminal investigation into the southern branch of the Israel Lands Administration (ILA). Yesterday...
Today, a three-judge panel of the Nazareth Magistrate Court unanimously decided to dismiss the indictment currently pending against Member of Knesset (MK) Azmi Bishara. The indictment charged MK...
On Tuesday 1 April 2003 at 12 p.m., the Nazareth Magistrate Court will deliver its decision on the preliminary arguments in MK Azmi Bishara's Syria visits case. In this ruling, the Court will...
On 24 March 2003, Adalah sent a letter to the Dean of Students at Tel Aviv University, asking the university to cancel a regulation whereby high school graduates, who will not be studying as part...
Today, the Appeals Committee of Bar Ilan University accepted an appeal filed by Adalah on 2 March 2003 against the decision of Safed College to temporarily suspend Ms. Yassera Bakri, an Arab...
On 13 March 2003, Adalah submitted a motion to the Haifa Magistrate Court seeking to stay a demolition order against an addition to a house belonging to a single mother, a Palestinian citizen of...
On 13 March 2003, Adalah filed an appeal to the Haifa Regional Labor Court against the National Insurance Institute (NII), seeking to compel the NII to provide child allowance benefits and support...
Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel announces the publication of a new report titled, "October 2000 - Law and Politics before the Or Commission." The publication, written in...
On 5 March 2003, at a hearing held before a panel of 13 justices of the Supreme Court of Israel, Adalah challenged the Attorney General's claim that even though cuts in child allowances sanctioned...
On 26 February 2003, Adalah sent a letter to Prof. Hannah Rahamimoff, Dean of Students at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, asking her to open an investigation into a decision by the head of the...
This morning, without prior warning, helicopters belonging to the Israel Lands Administration's (ILA) so-called "Green Patrol" sprayed toxic chemicals on more than 1500 dunams (375 acres) of crops...
Soon after the petition was filed, the Attorney General's office announced that the Israeli army would issue an order banning the use of Palestinian civilians as human shields, and would clarify...
Yesterday, Adalah sent a letter to the University of Haifa seeking the cancellation of an order issued by the university's security department on 13 May 2002. The order barred Ms. Kholud Badawi,...
On 21 February 2003, a 14-member delegation from the Spanish solidarity group Al-Quds Malaga arrived in Israel at the invitation of Ittijah: The Union of Arab Community-Based Organizations, and a...
On 16 February 2003, the Supreme Court of Israel dismissed a petition filed by Adalah in May 2001, demanding access to clean drinking water for thousands of Palestinian Bedouin citizens of Israel...