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Update following the Supreme Court's dismissal of HJC 4969/04, Adalah, et. al. v. IDF Major General, Central Command, Moshe Kaplinski, et. al.
“You, the Israeli Arabs, do not have rights,” he said. “We, the Jews, have obligations towards you.” Such a worldview, I argue, is not an idiosyncratic one. Despite the recent...
The exclusion of indigenous persons from official statistics is a common practice of colonial regimes, in which the indigenous person is absent, does not appear, and thus does not exist. There are...
Establishing an official language in a multi-language state is a complex and extremely important task. Setting a language policy in deeply-divided societies has a long-term influence on the...
When taking measures to secure the long term viability of a language, to what extent does the end justify the means? At what point do restrictions on the use of other languages cross the line...
In a pharmacy on Jaffa Street, an elderly man named Fakhri Jedai spoke of his family’s home that was built one hundred and fifty years ago, his father’s pharmacy which became a meeting ground...
Keynote speech from 2005 study day on "The Experience of Legal Representation of Palestinian Prisoners."
The contemporary interest in power sharing as the underlying principle for the organisation of the state has arisen because of the belief that power sharing is particularly suited to the peaceful...
Veto rights have been described as the "ultimate weapon" available to minorities in a power sharing system within an ethnically divided society.2 On the one hand, veto rights over laws or decisions...
Few political commentators today think that every distinct people can and should have a sovereign state exclusively its own. Yet writings on the self-determination of peoples for the most part...
Palestinian Arab citizens of the state of Israel are increasingly demanding collective rights, besides their traditional struggle for equal individual citizenship rights. Several Palestinian...
The principle of exclusion inherent in the Declaration of Independence had a major effect on provisions of the Constitution by Consensus. It follows logically, therefore, that its provisions...
These procedures direct the Selection Committees of small community and agricultural settlements to apply a number of criteria in deciding whether or not to recommend that the ILA accept a...
A history of Land Day - Friar Shehadeh is a worried man. "People here are not very happy," he says, referring to the Palestinian minority in Israel. "I’m always optimistic and I always pray for...
Although the expression “spatial Judaization” has all but disappeared from the overt discourse of planning, having been replaced by such expressions as “attracting populations” and...
What happened in Far'on and Masha is a clear violation of international law. In particular, it constituted the crime of property destruction.
On 31 January 2005, a United States District Court judge ruled that persons suspected of committing security offenses and imprisoned in the American base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are entitled to...
The Supreme Court is expected shortly to give its decision on the legality of an amendment to the Citizenship Law that denies Palestinian citizens of Israel the right to live in Israel with their...
In recent years, some legal scholars and social activists have expressed skepticism about, if not outright opposition to, the use of litigation and resort to the courts for the assertion and...
Litigation and social change may be perceived as mutually exclusive. Litigation is a courtcentered tactic which deals essentially with the resolution of limited, defined conflicts in their narrow...