Press Releases

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Adalah: The ban is illegal and violates the rights of freedom of movement and freedom of occupation of Palestinian citizens of Israel The Municipality of Carmiel, located in the north of Israel,...
Following a hearing held before the Supreme Court of Israel on 10 September 2008 on a petition filed by members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and residents of East Jerusalem against...
On 11 September 2008, Adalah send an urgent letter to the director of the transportation section in the Ministry of Education and the head of the education department in the Abu Basma Regional...
On 3 September 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the Municipality of Ramle, demanding that an Arab child be registered at a Jewish kindergarten located close to his home immediately, in accordance with...
On 8 September 2008, the Magistrates’ Court in Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva) rejected a request by the Israeli police to expel Mr. Nouri Al-Uqbi from his land in the Arab Bedouin village of...
On 25 August 2008, Adalah sent a letter to Minister of Defense Ehud Barak to demand that he revoke his order to close down the Al-Aqsa Association for the Restoration of Muslim Holy Sites and...
Intensive negotiations undertaken by Adalah on behalf of the Association for the Development of Arab Education in Haifa with the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Municipality of Haifa have...
On 22 July 2008, Adalah sent an urgent letter to the Mayors of Led (Lod) and Ramle to inquire about the two municipalities’ intention to divide up an Arabic-language secondary school attended...
On 4 December 2008, Adalah filed a pre-petition to the legal department of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (MITL) demanding that they renew the license granted...
On 4 August 2008, the Supreme Court of Israel heard a petition filed by Adalah and the Association for the Development of Arab Education in Haifa demanding that an official, special Arab school for...
The Current Agreement Excludes Men under the Age of 21 and Women under the Age of 20 Under the present agreement, a man would lose 332,000 shekels at retirement and a woman 174,000 shekels On 4...
Adalah: No other country in the world prevents people from exercising the right to family life based on national or ethnic belonging, as Israel does Following an order nisi issued by the Supreme...
On 30 July 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the Attorney General on behalf of the Municipality of Tamra demanding the establishment of a technological education center/transitional school for the Arab...
State Announces to Supreme Court: There will be no Implementation of the National Priority Areas Decision in the Coming Year On 29 July 2008, the state announced to the Supreme Court of Israel that...
On 27 July 2008, Adalah petitioned the Nazareth District Court on behalf of the Mr. Walid Daka, a Palestinian Arab citizen of Israel and a political prisoner, seeking conjugal rights in order to...
On 28 July 2008, the Knesset enacted the Citizenship Bill (Amendment No. 9) into law. The letter, which follows, was sent to the Members of the Knesset, prior to the enactment of the law urging...
“Preventing detainees from meeting their attorneys for long periods of time and not allowing judicial review of detention orders for 28 days place detainees in great danger, as meeting with...
On 9 July 2008, Adalah sent a letter to the Head of the Southern District of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Director of the Ministry of Agriculture demanding the designation of pastures for...
Adalah: “The Mivtahim Company acted as the state’s agent for the purpose of effecting the confiscation, and is not entitled to exploit the confiscation procedures in order to sell the...
On 15 July 2008, the Supreme Court of Israel issued an order nisi which directed the Israel Prison Service (IPS) to explain its policy of not allowing political prisoners, who are classified under...