Press Releases

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The Institute of International Education (IIE) announced today that Attorney Hassan Jabareen, the founder and General Director of Adalah and Attorney Dan Yakir, the Chief Legal Counsel at the...
(Haifa, Israel) On 12 June 2012, Adalah sent a position paper to the Levy Committee, which was established by the Israeli government to consider how to retroactively legalize unrecognized...
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), Adalah, Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights, and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I) submitted a briefing paper to the UN Human Rights...
14 June 2012 marks the fifth year of Israel’s closure – by land, air and sea – of the Gaza Strip. The closure, also widely referred to as a ‘blockade’ (1), has had a major impact on all...
(Strasbourg, France) Yesterday, 13 June 2012, senior Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara provided an in-depth briefing to the European Parliament’s (EP) Working Group on the Middle East on the Israeli...
14 June 2012 Dear representatives of The COHOM working group; The MaMa working groups; Members of the Israel, OPT, Human Rights Desks and Middle East Division of the EEAS; EU Delegation, Ramat Gan...
(Haifa, Israel) On 11 June 2012, Adalah submitted a report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UN HRC) to assist it in preparing a “List of Issues” for Israel in July 2012. The UN HRC...
(Haifa, Israel) Adalah recently received several complaints about violent and humiliating strip searches from security guards and members of the special guard unit of the Israel Prison Service...
(Beer el-Sabe, Israel) During a hearing held in the Magistrate Court of Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva) on 5 June 2012, the police prosecution announced the withdrawal of the indictment against Attorney...
An expanded panel of seven Israeli Supreme Court justices sat on 5 June 2012 to hear the petition brought by Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) on behalf of MK Haneen...
On 17 May 2012, Adalah sent a letter the Director-General of Ministry of Education (MOE), Dalit Stauber, urging her to extend the current school year and activities of the Arab special education...
MEDIA ADVISORY - (Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel) An expanded panel of seven Israeli Supreme Court justices will convene tomorrow, Tuesday 5 June 2012 at 9 am to hear the petition filed by Adalah and...
Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I), Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) conducted an advocacy visit to Brussels to push for...
In a letter sent to the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Knesset, the Attorney General and others on 22 May 2012, Adalah urged them to reject proposed bills that seek to retroactively legalize...
On 14 May 2012, the Knesset passed a new amendment to the law governing the Israel Prison Service (IPS), according to which the IPS Director will be able to limit the number of lawyers visiting...
Last night, 22 May 2012, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a judgment accepting eight separate petitions filed in 2005 by local municipal authorities, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel...
On 16 May 2012, Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) sent an urgent letter to the President of Haifa University, Professor Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, and the Dean of Students, Hanan...
On 8 May 2012, Adalah sent a letter to the Registrar of Universities in Israel in the name of Mr. Gabi Mansour, the president of the Arab Students' Union in Safed College requesting that the...
On 16 May 2012, Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) sent an urgent letter to the President of Haifa University, Professor Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, and the Dean of Students, Hanan...
On 14 May 2012, Adalah sent a letter to the Minister of Education Gideon Sa'ar and the Chairman of the Knesset's Educational Committee Alex Miller urging them to maintain freedom of political...