Press Releases

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Israeli state prosecutors have declined to investigate Nazaret Illit Mayor Shimon Gapso for racist remarks that he made against Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel. Mayor Gapso wrote a letter...
CEC Hearings to be held on Wednesday 19 December at 11:00am in the Knesset (Haifa, Israel) Adalah will appear before the Central Elections Commission (CEC) on Wednesday 19 December 2012...
Yesterday, 10 December 2012, following a petition from Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) on behalf of eight civil...
On 4 December 2012, an expanded panel of nine Supreme Court justices heard the final arguments on a case challenging the constitutionality of the discriminatory “Admissions Committee Law.” The...
(Haifa, Israel) At 9 am on Wednesday, 5 December 2012, the Israeli Supreme Court will hold the first hearing on a petition filed by Adalah and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)...
Israeli Supreme Court Hearing on Discriminatory ‘Admissions Committee Law’ to be held before 9 Justices Tuesday 4 December 2012, 9 am, Jerusalem (Haifa, Israel) At 9 am on Tuesday, 4 December...
3/12/2012: Defending cancellation of 51 demolition orders against Al-Sira (Beer el-Sabe District Court) 4/12/2012: Demanding cancellation of the “Admissions Committee Law” (Supreme Court)...
International Day of Persons with Disabilities: 3 December 2012 Israeli Government Must Address Gross Inequalities in Health and Educational Services for Arab Children with Special Needs
(East Jerusalem) On 26 and 27 November 2012, Adalah convened an international legal workshop on “Citizenship and Residency in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory”. The workshop...
Adalah has petitioned the District Court in Bir el-Sabe (Beersheva) to demand the cancellation of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) decision to transfer 55 Arab Bedouin children in the Naqab...
The Israel Lands Administration (ILA) announced on 26 November 2012 that it was freezing the bidding process for building rights to five plots of land in Nazareth that condition eligibility for...
Following arrests of 19 people in Bir Hadaj after clashes and protests in the village last week, all 7 minors have been released, 4 adults have also been released, and 8 others are being held until...
(Haifa, Israel) In hearings held today, 22 November 2012, the Magistrates’ Court in Akka (Acre) refused a request by the police to extend the detention of four minors and five adults detained for...
Yesterday, 19 November 2012, human rights organizations based in Israel and Gaza demanded that a criminal investigation be opened into the suspicion of war crimes by the Israeli military following...
Today, 18 November 2012, following complaints received about the intention of the Israeli army to demolish the “Al-Shoroq Tower”, also called the “Journalists’ Tower” in Gaza City, Adalah...
Since Wednesday evening, 14 November 2012, Israeli Occupation Forces have continued their offensive on the Gaza Strip, codenamed "Operation Pillar of Defence" through aerial, marine and ground...
On 12 November 2012, Adalah petitioned the Nazareth District Court demanding that it cancel a provision making “service in the security forces” a condition to bid on five plots of land in...
Following violent dawn clashes between Israeli Police and Border Police in the Arab Bedouin village of Bir Hadaj in the Naqab (Negev) yesterday, 12 November 2012, the Magistrates’ Court of Bir...
On 6 November 2012, following a field visit to the Naqab (Negev) organized by Adalah, a delegation of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) issued a strong public statement condemning home...
At Adalah’s invitation, a high-level tour of more than 10 deputy heads of mission and political counselors from European and Latin American embassies in Israel visited the Naqab (Negev) last week...