Press Releases

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On 13 February 2013, an expanded panel of Supreme Court judges rejected Arab Knesset Member Haneen Zoabi’s petition to cancel the Knesset’s removal of some of her parliamentary privileges....
Adalah and the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality in the Negev (Dukium) organized a day of human rights training on Saturday, 16 February 2012 for a group of residents from the village of...
Israeli Supreme Court Rejects Petition against Law Exempting GSS from Recording Interrogations of Security Suspects; Decision Completely Contradicts New Recommendations of Turkel Committee On 7...
The Bir el-Sabe (Beersheva) Magistrates’ Court decided on 3 February 2013, to cancel three separate indictments filed against five residents of the unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of Al-Araqib...
(Haifa) On 4 February 2013, an expanded panel of the Supreme Court rejected a petition filed by Adalah in 2011 on behalf of MK Dr. Ahmad Tibi against the Presidency of the Knesset. In a...
On 24 January 2013, the Nazareth District Court denied a petition filed by Adalah on behalf of the Mayor of Nazareth to cancel a bidding process for building rights to five plots of land in...
On Monday, 21 January 2013 the Haifa District Court held a hearing on Adalah’s petition to prevent organizations from bidding in land tenders for the construction of 78 apartments in the city of...
15 Israeli and Palestinian human rights organisations today warned of the far-reaching consequences of Israel’s refusal to fully cooperate with the United Nations (UN). On the morning of...
Yesterday, 27 January 2013, the Israeli government approved recommendations and minor amendments to the Prawer Plan, as set forth in a report submitted to the Cabinet by Minister Benny Begin....
Yesterday evening, 15 January 2013, the Supreme Court of Israel in a unanimous judgment by an expanded panel of five justices ruled to overturn a decision made by the Chair of the Central Elections...
(Jerusalem) Tomorrow, 14 January 2013 at 4:30 pm, the Supreme Court of Israel will hold a hearing on a petition submitted by Adalah on 11 January 2013 to overturn a decision by the Chair of the...
Three security prisoners filed a motion to the Supreme Court today (January 8) requesting an additional en banc hearing on the Court’s recent ruling to uphold a sweeping ban on correspondence...
(Jerusalem) Adalah submitted an objection on behalf of the 'Anata Municipality to the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee against a plan to construct a landfill in East Jerusalem, on...
(Jerusalem) Today, 30 December 2012, the Israeli Supreme Court unanimously ruled to cancel the Central Elections Committee’s (CEC) decision to disqualify Knesset Member (MK) Haneen Zoabi...
(Haifa, Israel) During a hearing held on 24 December 2012, the Israel Supreme Court rejected Adalah's appeal (Prisoner Appeal 2539/12) on behalf of Rawi Sultany (27 years-old), a Palestinian Arab...
MK Mohammad Barakeh (Hadash/Jabha) testified on 23 December 2012 before the Magistrates’ Court in Tel Aviv, during the first day of hearings of defense witnesses in the criminal case pending...
(Haifa, Israel) In a decision issued today, 26 December 2012, the Nazareth District Court rejected the preliminary arguments submitted by Adalah on behalf of Member of Knesset (MK) Sa'id Naffaa to...
(Jerusalem) Tomorrow, Thursday 27 December 2012, at 9 am the Israeli Supreme Court will hold a hearing on whether or not to uphold the Central Election Committee (CEC)'s decision to disqualify...
(Haifa) Today, 23 December 2012, the Magistrates' Court of Tel Aviv began hearing defense witnesses in two indictment charges against Arab Member of Knesset (MK) Mohammed Barakeh, Chair of the...
(Jerusalem) Tonight, 19 December 2012, the Central Elections Committee (CEC) approved motions submitted by the Likud to disqualify MK Haneen Zoabi from the upcoming Knesset elections by a majority...