Press Releases

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14 organizations call on Human Rights Council to demand end to the war on Gaza, targeting of civilians and civilian property, the blockade, racial incitement and attacks, and to open investigations...
Adalah: Police violently assaulted and suppressed demonstration without justification; restrictive conditions placed on detainees intended to deter them from participating in political activities...
Israeli attacks on Gazan civilians and civilian property gravely violate the rules of engagement as stipulated in international law; serious suspicions raised that military has committed war crimes...
Undersigned organizations urge international community to halt deadly aggression against Palestinian civilians in Gaza, urge UN to initiate fact-finding mission to investigate alleged war crimes...
Israeli bears sole responsibility for its strikes on Gaza, even if Palestinian organizations are operating unlawfully; deliberate attacks against civilians and civilian property are a grave breach...
Adalah: Several incidents constitute violation of principles of the laws of war, including attacks against civilians not involved in hostilities and not discriminating between civilians and...
Adalah: High number of arrests marks the largest wave of imprisonment of Palestinian demonstrators in Israel since October 2000 events. Four appeals filed in Nazareth and Beer el-Sabe courts.
Adalah and partner lawyers represent protestors throughout the country
In an exceptional move, Professor Juan Mendez, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and Mr. Anand Grover, the UN Special Rapporteur on...
On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, four Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations – Adalah, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel...
Training course consisted of five meetings over a period of five weeks, and aimed to prepare lawyers and provide them with necessary tools and legal strategies to handle cases of prisoners and...
Attorney Zaher: \"The shackling of prisoners in this manner prevents them from using the bathroom properly, which constitutes a grave breach of the constitutional rights of hunger-striking...
Adalah: The IPS’s sweeping order for 24-hour a day shackling of the prisoners has no relation with the seriousness of any risk posed or not by each person.
Organizations concerned that many of the military’s actions in the Occupied Territories do not directly serve the aim of locating and returning the three abducted Israelis and are severely and...
On 16 June 2014, the Ministry of Health responded to Adalah’s urgent letter sent on 12 June which called for an immediate end to Israeli hospitals’ shackling of Palestinian hunger-striking...
On 11 June 2014, Adalah sent two urgent letters to the Israel Prison Service (IPS) and the Attorney General demanding that the IPS withdraw its recent decisions preventing Palestinian...
Attorney Bishara: “We hope the court finally understood the danger embedded in the displacement of the villagers after 58 years, just to house Israeli Jewish settlers in their place.”
Attorney Mahameed: \"Those who \'trespassed\' on privately owned land, and tried to confiscate private property without a court order or any legal authority, are the inspectors of the Israel Land...
On 8 June 2014, Adalah filed an appeal on behalf of Arab MK Mohammed Barakeh (Hadash/al-Jabha) to the Tel Aviv District Court against the Magistrate Court's decision to convict him of assaulting a...
On Monday 9 June 2014, the Krayot Magistrates’ Court decided to extend the detention of Nidal Khoury until Wednesday, 11 June 2014, and to transfer Walaa' Sbeit and Jeries Khayat to house arrest...