Press Releases

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Adalah: "The closing of the investigation without an indictment or trial demonstrates the impunity enjoyed by the Israeli police despite their careless approach with the lives of Arab citizens."
As long as Israel views the Arab minority's interest as conflicting with the Jewish majority's interest, Arab citizens' housing crisis will not be solved.
Adalah: "The Court’s decision has validated one of Israel’s most racist and arbitrary laws, and has given the green light for the application of arbitrary codes on occupied land and its...
The court cancelled a minor provision of the law, which allowed exceptional higher compensation without the need to prove damages, but left the rest of the law intact.
Court adopted the position of the General Security Services: "Higher education funding for prisoners is from 'terrorist organizations' and aims to strengthen their positions within the prisons."
Despite Israel Prison Service commitments to Supreme Court, the conditions of transportation for prisoners to medical clinics and courts remain so bad that many prisoners refrain from travelling in...
Hospital security guards in Afula confiscated Arab citizen's food, threw some of it on the ground, and placed the rest in a special cupboard for leavened foods.
The event brought impacted persons from Israel/Palestine and the United States, along with lawyers and human rights advocates, to urge the international community to take effective steps to address...
Human rights groups condemn six-month administrative detention of PLC member, in violation of international law, and raise grave concern about her health.
Only 4.6% of Israel's housing tenders are published in Arab towns and villages; settlements in the OPT receive four times more housing units than Arab communities in Israel; Israel continues to...
The Committee visited unrecognized villages with Adalah and RCUV, but the Judge's response did not discuss the merits of the case and gave incorrect, unofficial and unproven information.
Statements constitute incitement to violence against Arab citizens , further poison atmosphere within Israeli society which legitimizes harm towards Arabs.
The village's master plan was agreed in 2013, 12 years after a Supreme Court ruling and 20 years after recognition; but the ILA has refrained from marketing 100 construction tenders.
'Target Price' housing program will benefit a list of 10 towns in 2015 and 30 additional towns in the next five years, including 5 West Bank settlements. Neither of the lists include any Arab towns.
Adalah: "The real goal behind the indictments is to criminalize and burden the Arab Bedouin villagers as punishment for their attempts to save their homes."
Adalah and Civic Coalition: Plan serves political goals of the occupying power in violation of international law, and disregards development needs of Palestinian residents.
Adalah: Gap between discourse of the CEC and decisions of the Supreme Court demonstrates the improper motives of the Committee.
Mk Zoabi: "Right-wing parties are prosecuting Arab MKs who represent the Palestinian people, and who fight for justice, equality and freedom."
Motions to Disqualify Arab MK Haneen Zoabi and the Joint List are Legally Baseless
Israel’s investigations into its 2014 Operation Protective Edge fall far short of international standards, and Israeli courts are effectively closed to Gazans' civil tort claims.