Press Releases

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The plan is expected to put to use even more private lands of Syrian residents and refugees expelled in 1967. Today, Israeli settlements control 95% of the land of the Golan Heights.
Two months ago, in October 2021, Israel outlawed six of the leading Palestinian human rights and civil society groups, however, the organizations have not received any of the evidentiary materials...
Adalah warns the Ministerial Committee on Legislation that the proposed bill will deepen racial discrimination against Palestinians in Israel and in the OPT and violate international law.
Adalah calls for the police practice of stopping Palestinian citizen worshippers' and demonstrators' buses to be declared unlawful. Police cannot legally justify sweeping restrictions on the...
Adalah seeks immediate action to stop the law's implementation or the issuance of accompanying guidelines that will minimize its damage.
Adalah warns that cancelling bus stops, as demanded by residents of the Jewish ultra-orthodox neighborhood of Har Yona in Nof Hagalil, will contribute to the creation of separate public...
Adalah: The closing of the cases against all Israeli Jewish suspects raises heavy suspicions of an attempted cover-up
In an expert opinion, Adalah analyzes Israel’s legal measures to outlaw Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations
PID claimed that the demonstration was illegal and that the police used reasonable force, despite video footage showing officers attacking and wounding dozens of demonstrators, without any...
In view of the acceleration in the implementation of the 2018 Israeli government’s decision, Adalah and The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem demand the immediate halt of the...
Planning authorities cancelled "temporary housing" scheme designed to displace and concentrate thousands of Bedouin residents from unrecognized villages in the Naqab (Negev), following demands by...
In a letter to the Communications Minister and the AG, Adalah demanded that the decision to prioritize certain localities is discriminatory; it exceeds the Ministry’s authority, as it includes...
This pending bill is one of several measures initiated by the government under the pretext of combatting crime in Arab communities; Adalah: These policies will lead to grave rights’ violations...
Israel’s designation of Palestinian human right defenders and civil society groups as terrorist organizations must be immediately rescinded and condemned.
By expressing their solidarity, the organizations are openly challenging Israeli legislation that prohibits expressing sympathy to organizations Israel deems as terrorist:
Following the declaration of 6 Palestinian human rights groups as ‘terrorist organizations’ by the Israeli government, Adalah issued the following statement: ”The Israeli decision...
The petition, filed by Adalah and PCATI, followed the former State Attorney’s decision to close the probe into the police killing of Ya’akub Abu al-Qi’an, a 50-year-old math teacher, from the...
Israeli Supreme Court ordered the State to pay fees in a petition filed on behalf of parents from Palestinian Arab villages in Misgav Council, after the Ministry of Education announced that it was...
Petitions by residents, human rights and environmental groups, and local councils prevent sweeping approval of a national mining master plan, which includes the Sde Barir mine in the Naqab; the...
Following a petition by Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel to the Israeli Supreme Court, the Ministry of Health agreed to issue the COVID-19 “Green Pass”...