Press Releases

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Israeli troops stole documents and computers, damaged Addameer’s office; Adalah: Raid lays bare Israel’s continuing crackdown on civil society institutions, and on its efforts to defame and...
Following wave of attempts to violate Arab citizens's voting rights, Zazim – Community Action volunteers will operate Arabic-language telephone hotline with Adalah providing legal counsel.
In the absence of adequate educational institutions and transport services in the village, some 140 of the village’s kindergarten-aged children do not attend any educational framework in...
Netanyahu's statement, which appeared in exchange of digital messages with party activists, not fundamentally different from racist statements made by Michael Ben Ari, for which Supreme Court...
Following a prolonged struggle by residents: Al Zarnouk Bedouin village high school in the Naqab will open; Beer Sheva District Court rejects Regavim’s request for an injunction to prevent its...
Adalah: Proposed law would never have pass a constitutional litmus test; sole purpose of bill was to influence upcoming elections via racial incitement and overt attacks on law enforcement and the...
In 4-3 majority vote, Supreme Court allows Israel to continue to hold bodies of 13 Palestinians as bargaining chips; Adalah: Extreme court ruling violates Israeli law and international convention...
Bill intended to legalize ethnic labeling of Arab voters; Adalah again calls on attorney general to open criminal investigation against Likud for planting cameras at polling stations during Knesset...
Private Israeli companies seeking to hire new employees sometimes include a 'military background' requirement as code meaning 'Jews only' need apply.
Adalah: Decision confirms our assertion that Likud's deployment of surveillance cameras in Arab polling stations was illegal, constituted ethnic profiling of Arab citizens, and was intended to...
Adalah: 'Jewish Power' knew full well they had no evidence allowing disqualification of Joint List. Their single goal was to promote doctrine of Meir Kahane and to disseminate lies regarding Arab...
With great grief and sorrow, Adalah management and staff mourn the passing of Mrs. Suzan Eghbarieh (Jabareen), sister of our esteemed colleague Adalah founder and general director Hassan Jabareen....
After Adalah petitions Supreme Court, Salwa Salem Copty finally allowed to enter base built on ruins of family's village, demolished by Israel in 1948, to visit father's grave for very first time.
Israeli authorities confirm reconsidering enforcement policy prohibiting harvest of akoub, za’atar, and sage; Adalah demands end to prosecution of herb gatherers.
Adalah Director Hassan Jabareen to Central Elections Committee: I refuse to go in and start trying to convince racists why Arab should be equals.
Under court pressure, Afula to end ban on non-residents from entering park; court ruled local authorities have no legal power to close public parks or collect entrance fees, let alone prohibit entry.
Adalah represented families of 13 Palestinians killed by Israeli police in October 2000; Barak, who ordered police to deploy deadly means including snipers, was directly responsible for killings.
Adalah demands Israeli authorities clarify why no criminal probe opened into planting of 1,200 hidden video cameras in polling stations in Arab communities during 9 April national elections.
Gisha, Adalah, and Al Mezan call on Israel to halt aerial spraying of herbicides along Gaza fence. New Forensic Architecture report on spraying based in large part on work conducted by the three...
Adalah demands adoption of measures that will lead to equality in land benefits policy; gov't set NPAs relating to construction and housing without including Arab towns.