Press Releases

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On 18 June 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel issued a decision on a petition filed by Adalah, requesting that the Court order the Chief Military Prosecutor to indict soldiers responsible for...
On 17 June 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel held a hearing on a motion filed by the state to extend the deadline for its implementation of the court's landmark ruling that the division of the...
On 24 June 2007 Adalah filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding that it issue an order for the immediate reopening of Karni Crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip in order to...
On 14 June 2007, Adalah sent a pre-petition to the Attorney General's (AG) Office on behalf of the parents' association of the Akbara School in Safad, demanding that the Ministry of Education's...
Adalah: The Attorney General Office's response is unprofessional and indicative not only of a lack of understanding of the essence of human rights, but it also exploits human rights within the...
On 31 May 2007, Adalah petitioned the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of two Arab families against the Interior Ministry and the Attorney General (AG), demanding the cancellation of the...
Adalah: The Nazareth District Court's decision to uphold the Finance Minister's order from 1953 to confiscate the 200 dunams of land at issue is dangerous as it legitimizes the illegal seizure of...
On 27 May 2007, Adalah filed its concluding arguments to the Supreme Court of Israel against the appeal by Haifa University regarding its use of the military service criterion to allocate student...
On 18 May 2007, the United Nations' Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) rejected the application of the Jewish National Fund (JNF)-USA for consultative status with the UN Economic...
On 20 May 2007, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz responded to a letter sent by Adalah on 22 March 2007 demanding the initiation of a criminal investigation into the General Security Services' (GSS)...
On 16 May 2007, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of eight shop owners in Akka (Akko), demanding the cancellation of an amendment to municipal regulations...
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and Adalah � The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel submitted their legal opinion today, 9 May 2007, to the Supreme Court of Israel...
On 11 April 2007, Adalah demanded that the Supreme Court reject the Attorney General's request to extend a deadline requiring the state to cancel Governmental Decision 2288 regarding the...
On 29 March 2007, the Israel Land Administration (ILA) published new regulations governing the short-term leasing of agricultural land in the Naqab (Negev) in the south of Israel. These...
On 10 April 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel decided to accept a motion filed by Haifa University to postpone the implementation of a decision delivered on 17 August 2006 by the Haifa District...
The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network in partnership with its member organisations, Adalah, the Arab Association for Human Rights, B'Tselem and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel...
Today, 15 April 2007, the Supreme Court of Israel delivered a precedent-setting decision which prohibits the Israel Land Administration (ILA) from aerially spraying crops cultivated by Arab Bedouin...
Today, 15 April 2007, Adalah together with the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (Gaza) and Al-Haq (West Bank) filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding the opening of criminal...
Adalah to Attorney General: Israeli Security Services Interfere in Publication of Political and Legal Documents by Arab Organizations Illegally
Adalah: �The Court's decision is erroneous and dangerous as it legitimizes the illegal and unjustified seizure of land. This land was confiscated in 1953 for alleged �essential settlement and...