Volume 49, June 2008 www.adalah.org
Prisoners’ Rights

Land and Planning Rights
Adalah and the local council of Jisr al-Zarqa petition Tel Aviv District Court demanding that the village be connected via roadway to the coastal highway
Adalah demands freezing of demolition orders against Arab homes in Triangle and Wadi Ara, and solution to severe housing shortages of Arab citizens living there
International Day against Torture, 26 June 2008
Take the Physicians out of the System and it Will Cease to Exist
Hadas Ziv and Ze’ev Weiner
Law precluding tort suits against the state for damages inflicted by the Israeli army is tool for legitimizing further military attacks on Palestinians
Adalah: Attorney General continues to legitimize GSS Interference in the political lives of Arab citizens of Israel
Delegation of Arab political leaders and representatives from Adalah embark on study tour to South Africa       Photographs of the trip

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network express their deep concern over the continuing deterioration of the human rights situation in Israel and the OPT  The briefing paper

Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports. Suggestions, articles and commentaries from our readers are welcome. View previous volumes
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Upcoming Hearings before the Israeli Supreme Court

Sunday 29.6.08

9:00 am (H.C. 2366/05)
Supreme Court to deliver decision on a petition demanding the release of a summary operational military report into the death of Mr. Nebari, who was killed by the army

10:00 am (H.C. 11163/03)
Seeking implementation of landmark decision to cancel National Priority Areas

Monday 7.7.08

9:00 am (H.C. 7803/06)
Challenging the cancellation of Jerusalem residency status of Palestinian parliamentarians elected to the PLC (Adalah and ACRI as amicus curiae)

Tuesday 8.7.08

10:00 am (C.A. 8695/06)
Seeking cancellation of Haifa University’s discriminatory policy of including military service as a main criterion in allocating student dorms

15:00 pm (H.C. 2028/08)
Challenging the constitutionality of a criminal procedure law that imposes severe pre-trial detention conditions on "security" suspects (PCATI, ACRI and Adalah)

Monday 14.7.08

9:00 am (H.C. 3292/07)
Demanding criminal investigations into Israeli military and government officials responsible for killings and extensive home demolitions in Gaza in 2004 (Adalah, Al Mezan- Gaza, PCHR-Gaza and Al Haq)

Tuesday 15.7.08

11:00 am (H.C. 7585/04) Demanding permission for Palestinian political prisoners to have physical contact with their young children during family visits
 Researchers' Seminar
Adalah’s Third Annual Law Students’ Conference
    Upcoming in October 2008
 Watch for details of how to register next month 
Adalah’s Annual Report 
Adalah’s Annual Report of Activities 2007
Main office: 94 Yaffa Street, PO Box 8921, Haifa 31090 Tel: (972)-4-950-1610 Fax: (972)-4-950-3140
Naqab office: 28 Reger Ave # 35 Beer el Sabe, Israel Tel: (972)-8-665-0740 Fax: (972)-8-665-0853
adalah@adalah.org www.adalah.org
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