As a Result of Adalah's Petition, Attorney General (AG) Informs Supreme Court (S.Ct.) that GSS Position in Education Ministry's Arab Education Division is Cancelled
AG Admits Discrimination and Commits to Increase Number of Educational Psychologists in Arab Bedouin Schools in Naqab, following Adalah's S.Ct. Petition
Articles on Language Rights (Part I) |
Arabic as a Minority Language in Israel: A Comparative Perspective
By Ayelet Harel-Shelav, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Political Science, Tel Aviv University
Defending Minority Language Rights in Quebec and Latvia |
By Shane Kelleher, Solicitor and Adalah Law Fellow |
Economic Rights |
Adalah to Supreme Court: Freeze Discriminatory Gov't Decision which Awards Grants for Purchasing Apartments in Galilee and Naqab and Excludes Arab Towns |
Employment Rights |
Following Adalah's Request, AG Orders Education Ministry to Cancel Regulations which Discriminate against Arab Workers in Hiring for Construction Projects in Schools
Land, Planning and Justice |
Adalah to Israeli Government: Approving Exchange of Land between State and JNF Intensifies Discrimination against Arab Citizens of Israel and Violates their Basic Rights
Criminal Justice |
Ministry of Justice Police Investigation Unit Agrees to Withdraw Request to Exhume Body of Asil Asleh, Killed by Police in October 2000
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports. Suggestions, articles and commentaries from our readers are welcome.
View previous volumes
Opening Remarks |
A state will not recognize the language of a national minority which does not respect the status of its own language because of the associated costs. The importance of such recognition in promoting minority rights is well known. The minority language indicates difference. Recognition therefore advances group rights and equal protection based on equal treatment for difference. Although Arabic is an official language in Israel, state policy ignores this legal status, which was protected in historic Palestine. Raising public awareness and supporting initiatives by the Arab minority are essential for protecting the status of Arabic. However, for such initiatives to be successful, their first steps must be planned with care. For example, Arab local councils and NGOs could use Arabic in their correspondence and interaction with the Israeli authorities and public service institutions. First steps, by their nature, are modest, but must form part of an overall strategy to achieve full and equal recognition for the Arabic language.
Commentary |
Book Review |