Following Adalah’s Petition and Motion for Contempt of Court to Supreme Court (SCt): Planning Authorities Submit Plan for Unrecognized Neighborhood of Al-Jelasi
Photo: Bimkom
SCt Issues Order to Show Cause on Adalah's Petition Challenging Law which Discriminates against Arab Citizens in Distribution of Income Tax Benefits
Adalah Petitions SCt: Enormous Financial Support Provided by State to Former Soldiers for Home Mortgages Constitutes Discrimination against Arab Citizens
Feature: Four Cases of Segregated Spaces |
Excerpt from Makan, Adalah’s Journal for Land, Planning and Justice, Volume 1 – The Right to the City
Articles: The Right to the City, from Makan, Vol. 1 |
The Introduction to Makan
The Editors, Suhad Bishara and Hana Hamdan, Adalah
Political Rights |
Adalah Seeks Cancellation of Travel Ban Imposed on Renowned Literary Critic
and Journalist Antwan Shalhat
Criminal Justice |
Court Decides not to Convict MK Azmi Bishara’s Former Parliamentary Aides Stating that Assisting Arab Relatives' Visits to Syria was Done for Humanitarian Purposes |
Adalah Demands Investigation into Police Assault on Arab Bedouin in Unrecognized Village Following Protests
International Humanitarian Law |
Adalah to AG: Open Criminal Investigations against Israeli Army Officers Responsible for Home Demolitions in Gaza
Citizenship |
Adalah and ACRI: Data Provided by State to SCt Proves Nationality and Entry into Israel Law has no Factual Basis
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports. Suggestions, articles and commentaries from our readers are welcome.
View previous volumes
Opening Remarks |
In 2005, Adalah’s litigation before the Supreme Court (SCt) challenged discrimination in many fields, especially the right to water and right to education in the unrecognized villages in the Naqab. A prominent petition submitted with other human rights organizations sought the cancellation of a law denying compensation to Palestinians from the Occupied Territories.
Several individual petitions were filed against the Justice Ministry’s Police Investigation Unit’s (“Mahash”) decisions to close files against police who used illegal fire and violence against citizens. The SCt delivered two landmark judgments on our cases, deciding that an affirmative-action policy in education must be followed for Arab Bedouin pupils in the Naqab and that the Israeli army’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields is illegal.
In September, Mahash closed all files against police over the killings of 13 Palestinian citizens in October 2000. Adalah will be extensively engaged in this matter in 2006. We also expect SCt decisions in at least three of our major petitions: the National Priority List petition, which was filed in 1998; the budget balancing grants for Arab municipalities petition, filed in 2001; and the ban on family unification petition, filed in 2003.
Interview |
New Publication |