Articles: Land Rights |
Inappropriate and Unjust: Planning for Private Ranches in the Naqab
Prof. Oren Yiftachel, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Dev., Ben-Gurion University
Land Disputes in Israel: The Case of the Bedouin of the Naqab
Dr. Thabet Abu Ras, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Dev., Ben-Gurion University |
Land, Planning and Justice |
Petition to Supreme Court (SCt.): “Wine Path Plan” to Establish Individual Settlements in Naqab Violates Planning and Building Laws and Must be Cancelled |
Political Rights |
SCt. Surrenders to GSS Dictates, Approving Twelve-Month Travel Ban on Author Antwan Shalhat
Urgent Intervention to Attorney General: Close all Investigatory Files against Participants in Legal Demonstration in al-Tira against Dep. Interior Minister’s Visit
Education and Social Rights |
SCt. Orders State and National Insurance Institute to Explain Withdrawal of Income Support from Car Owners and Users
SCt. Orders Education Ministry and Akka Municipality to Rectify all Safety Hazards in Elementary School In Akka
Adalah to Public Health Fund: Refusal to Refer Arab Patient to Arabic-Speaking Psychologist is Discriminatory
Prisoners’ Rights |
Following Adalah’s Intervention, Prisons Service Improves Facilities for Families Visiting Palestinian Prisoners
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports. Suggestions, articles and commentaries from our readers are welcome.
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Opening Remarks |
Law creates a political and legal discourse which sometimes contradicts reality. The discourse of the new governmental decision to strip Hamas activists from East Jerusalem of their residency rights provides an example.
From the decision, it appears that Israeli law granted residents of East Jerusalem the right to residency and that these rights are now being taken from certain people who violated the law’s conditions. However, under international law, East Jerusalem is occupied territory. The applicable law is the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the deportation of residents from occupied territory: the removal of residency clearly means deportation in this case. While it is true that reliance on international law will not guarantee a positive legal result before an Israeli court, reliance on Israeli law will not end the policy of removing Palestinians’ residency rights. Thus, there is no need to accept the official Israeli legal discourse regarding East Jerusalem. There is, however, a duty to strengthen, publicly and legally, the discourse which holds that East Jerusalem is occupied territory to which international law applies.
Prisoners' Day |
UN: October 2000 |