Adalah to Attorney General (AG): Cancel Decision of Mahash to Close File on Police Brutality Complaint Filed by Arab Citizens in Galilee Village of Beineh Due to “Lack of Public Interest”
Adalah Appeals Water Commissioner’s Refusal to Provide Water Access for Hundreds of Arab Bedouin Citizens of Israel Living in Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab
Urgent Intervention on Behalf of MK Barakeh Demanding Criminal Investigation into Security Forces Personnel who Assaulted Anti-Wall Demonstrators
Feature – International Advocacy |
UN CEDAW Poses 18 Questions to Israel Regarding Discrimination against Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel for Urgent Response
See also: Special Report about CEDAW on Adalah's Website
Articles on Collective Rights and the Constitution |
Self-Determination as Non-Domination: Ideals Applied to Palestine/Israel
By Prof. Iris Marion Young, Dept. of Political Science, University of Chicago
On the Morality of Arab Collective Rights in Israel |
By Dr. Amal Jamal, Senior Lecturer in Dept. of Political Science, Tel Aviv University |
Collective Rights and Reconciliation in the Constitutional Process: The Case of Israel |
By Hassan Jabareen, Advocate, General Director of Adalah |
Social Rights |
AG to Supreme Court (SCt): Depriving Car Owners and Users from Income Support Payments is Justified, Whatever their Reason for Using a Car |
Land, Planning and Justice |
Adalah to ILA: Cancel Criteria that Discriminate on Basis of Class and Nationality for Accepting Candidates to Agricultural and Community Towns
Organizational News |
Adalah’s General Assembly at its Annual Meeting Approves the Basic Principles of Adalah’s “Charter of Human Rights” and Elects Organizational Committees
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports. Suggestions, articles and commentaries from our readers are welcome.
View previous volumes
Opening Remarks |
Only 11% of the 1,356 complaints submitted to the Ministry of Justice’s Police Investigation Unit (Mahash) in 2004 resulted in indictments against police officers. After a violent police assault in February 2004, Arab citizens of Beineh village submitted complaints to Mahash, supported by affidavits, medical records and photographs documenting their injuries and the damage sustained to their property. Mahash recently closed all files against officers involved due to “lack of public interest.” This incident is not unique, but in fact the norm. Hence, not one indictment has been filed against police for the killings and shootings of October 2000. The Or Commission recommended that “the police must instill among its officers that they must not treat the Arab community as the enemy.” This change must begin with those bodies charged with holding police accountable to the law. However, Mahash’s policy conveys the message that police violence is of “no public interest.” Mahash’s unjustifiable failures to indict police officers demand a comprehensive investigation.
Commentary |
Study Day Invitation |
New Report |