Adalah’s Review, Volume I, Fall 1999 – Politics, Identity and Law



(Currently out of print; available in law school libraries in Israel and the United States)

Adalah published the first volume of its new journal, entitled Adalah's Review, in December of 1999. Adalah's Review is intended to open a critical stage for discussion of Israeli law, the legal system and legal discourse, specifically focusing on subjects that relate to the status of the Palestinian minority in Israel. The journal is published in Arabic, Hebrew and English. The English edition, which contains slightly differing content, is also meant to provide general background to some of the debates taking place - legally, politically and socially - between the Palestinian minority and the Israeli Jewish state, and to introduce Adalah's work to the broader international community. 

The first volume of Adalah's Review attempts to open a multi-disciplinary, multi-layered discussion about politics, law and identity, with most authors addressing the politics of Arab Palestinian identity in the Israeli legal area. 

The Table of Contents for the English edition is as follows: 

Adalah’s Review, Volume 1, Fall 1999  - Politics, Identity and Law

Hassan Rafiq Jabareen, Editor 


The Unbearable Lightness of Enlightenment
Raef Zreik 

Community, Law and Identities among Israeli-Arab-Palestinians
Dr. Gad Barzilai 

Litigation, Legal Discourse and Identity
Samera Esmeir 

Separation versus Integration

Separation versus Inclusion: Palestinian Identity versus Citizenship
Dr. Uri Davis 

On the Oppression of Identities in the Name of Civil Equality
Hassan Rafiq Jabareen 

A Critique of Equal Duties, Equal Right
Julia Kernochan and Rina Rosenberg 


Adalah, et. al. v. The Minister of Religious Affairs, et. al.
Summary of Decision 

Case Critique 
Moshe Cohen 


United Nations Concluding Observations on Israel 1997 & 1998
Zeinah Salahi 

The 1999 Israeli Elections: Defending the  Political Rights of the 
Palestinian Minority in Israel

Land Confiscation and Police Brutality in Umm al-Fahem
Julia Kernochan 

Petitions Filed by Adalah Filed to the Supreme Court of Israel 1997-1999
Gadeer Nicola

In Brief