On Monday, 17 May 2010, the Petakh Tikvah Magistrates’ Court decided to extend the detention of Mr. Ameer Makhoul until Thursday, 20 May 2010 at a closed hearing held at 9 pm. Following popular pressure and protests by the legal defense team, the court delayed its examination of the request to extend Makhoul’s detention from 9 am to 9 pm, deciding that the hearing would be held in the presence of Makhoul and his legal defense team. The court also lifted the ban on his meeting his lawyers, imposed by the General Security Services (GSS or Shabak) and later by the court since his arrest.
The defense team had informed the court that they would not represent Mr. Makhoul during the hearing on the extension of his detention if he continued to be prohibited from meeting his lawyers.
The legal defense team, consisting of Attorney Hussein Abu Hussein and Adalah Attorneys Orna Kohn and Hassan Jabareen, held a short meeting with Mr. Makhoul before the hearing, and again after the hearing. However, they may not discuss further details of their meeting with Mr. Makhoul due to a court order.
The attorneys found Mr. Makhoul to be exhausted after the intensive interrogations he has been subjected to, and which have continued around the clock. He complained of pains and dizziness, and informed his lawyers that a doctor from the prison service had visited him during his detention. The attorneys expressed their grave concern for his health, and will demand, as did Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, that a private, independent doctor be allowed to visit him in detention.
Concerning Dr. Omar Saeed, the District Court rejected an appeal filed by the legal defense team against the extension of his detention until 20 May 2010.
For more information on the cases, see: