30 Lawyers Participate in Adalah's Training Course on Representing Detainees in Detention and Investigation ProceduresAdalah successfully concluded its training course for lawyers on “Representing Detainees in Detention and Investigation Procedures” held on 17-18 March and 7-8 April 2011 at Al-Tantour Center in Jerusalem. 30 lawyers working with human rights organizations, university legal clinics, and in private offices attended the training. Adalah organized the course primarily for experienced lawyers and those who wish to hone their skills in representing Palestinian detainees in Israeli courts and in military courts in the West Bank. The aim of the course was to provide participant lawyers with greater knowledge of the tools of Israeli and international law in “security cases,” with an emphasis on the practical aspects of legal representation. The course consisted of 10 sessions held over four days. Each session was led by leading lawyers and other experts on issues including: the role of the criminal defense lawyer, the use of excessive force and lethal force during arrest, the representation of juveniles in the Israeli criminal system and in the military courts system, the detention of suspects for security offenses, torture and illegal interrogation methods, the rights of prisoners classified as security prisoners, the medical aspects of torture and other prohibited investigatory methods during detention, the legal representation of protestors in the criminal and the military courts, and the denial of access to counsel for security detainees and detention until the end of trial. The course was held as part of a three-year EU-funded joint project of Adalah, Al Mezan (Gaza) and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel on "Combating and Preventing Torture and Ill-Treatment of Palestinian Prisoners held in Israeli Prisons and Palestinian Civilians in the OPT.” Adalah is sincerely grateful to all of the attorneys, legal academics and other experts from Physicians for Human Rights-Israel who provided lectures to the course participants.