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Newsletter issue 99, December 2012
Hanin Zoabi disqualified from elections
Central Elections Committee Disqualifies MK Haneen Zoabi

Adalah’s work focused on the Knesset this month. We represented MK Haneen Zoabi before the Central Elections Committee (CEC), which voted to disqualify her from the upcoming elections. We also represented Arab political parties Balad/Tajammoa’ and the United Arab List; the CEC rejected the disqualification motions against them. Responding to the CEC’s decisions, Adalah’s General Director Attorney Hassan Jabareen stated that, “Israel is the only country in the world in which members of the minority must justify their struggle for full equality.” Adalah will now represent MK Haneen Zoabi before an expanded panel of the Supreme Court on 27 December; a final decision must be delivered by 30 December.

Adalah’s written responses to the CEC included an expert opinion by Professor Sammy Smooha, who argued that the disqualification of an Arab candidate is “tantamount to disqualifying the party itself”, and that the party is liable to call on Arab citizens “to boycott the elections”, and that many could heed that call. Adalah’s responses also included testimonies by MKs Dr. Ahmad Tibi, Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsur, Dr. Jamal Zahalka, and Haneen Zoabi. Each of them explained the nature of their parliamentary activities and their political positions, countering right-wing attempts to misrepresent and incite against them.

Among the reactions of the media to MK Zoabi’s disqualification is an editorial published in Haaretz (English) that describes the CEC’s decision as “arbitrary and unacceptable”.
Criminal indictments against MK Muhammad Barakeh

Adalah also represented MK Muhammad Barakeh on criminal indictments filed against him for taking part in demonstrations. Adalah sees MK Barakeh’s indictment as part a mounting campaign to delegitimize the political activities of Arab citizens of Israel by persecuting their elected representatives.
Discriminatory Laws

In addition, Adalah argued at two Supreme Court hearings this month on petitions submitted by Adalah and ACRI to cancel the “Admissions Committee Law” and the “Anti-Boycott Law”, just two of the 20 new laws that discriminate against Palestinians enacted by the outgoing Knesset (2009-2012) under the leadership of the Netanyahu-Lieberman government.
Copyright © 2012 Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, All rights reserved.
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